Friday, July 29, 2011

We're everywhere!

Hey guys, we might have taken a quick break from blogging, but that doesn't mean we haven't been everywhere else!

Check out Lucca Couture featured on many stars and mutliple events this month. Stars like Ashley Tisdale, Jamie Chung, and Ashley Benson just can't seem to resist us(;

Actresses Ashley Tisdale and Jamie Chung rocked Comic Con with their sassy summer styles!

Actress Holland Roden knows how to look good in Lucca while keeping busy with errands, you go girl(:

Extra cohost Renee Bargh worked her zig zag dress!

Oh hey Lucca Couture zig zag top, nice to see that you adorn all the prettiest of little liars(:

And we're not even close to slowin' down, so stay posted to see what Lucca Couture gets into next!

Lucca Couture